Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why We Care (Courtney)

"Environmental change is arguably the most pressing and potentially disastrous problem facing the global community.  Pollution, global warming, species extinctions, and massive disruptions of critical ecosystems have become commonplace topics, although consensus about how these problems are to be addressed continues to elude policymakers."   -Carole Crumley, 1994

 We talk a lot in historical ecology class about the nature/culture dichotomy, that is, the dynamic relationship between humans and the surrounding environment.  What role have humans played in environmental change over time, and more importantly, what is our role now in the face of the current environmental crisis?  We don't want to sit back and hope that things change.  We want to be active participants in the global effort to reverse (or at least abet) the deleterious effects of man-made environmental changes.  We believe that the sustainable agriculture movement is one that efficiently and productively responds to the crisis while also meeting the health and nutrition needs of our society.  According to the UC Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education Program, the three main goals of sustainable agriculture are environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.  On a basic level, it is about reconnecting people to their food in a way that is viable for the long term.  Starting an herb garden in your home is obviously a small step, but it is at least a step in the right direction.  Our idea is to start small with something manageable, then expand it as you feel ready.  Here are some websites to educate yourself about the sustainable agriculture movement as well as how you can get involved:


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